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focker-compose.yml 830B

  1. prebuild:
  2. - python3 getmetadata.py
  3. volumes:
  4. certbot-data:
  5. chown: 65534:65534
  6. chmod: 0750
  7. zfs:
  8. quota: 1G
  9. certbot-webroot:
  10. chown: 65534:65534
  11. chmod: 0750
  12. zfs:
  13. quota: 1G
  14. images:
  15. nginx-http: ./nginx-http
  16. nginx-https: ./nginx-https
  17. certbot: ./certbot
  18. jails:
  19. nginx-http:
  20. image: nginx-http
  21. mounts:
  22. certbot-webroot: /certbot/webroot
  23. certbot:
  24. image: certbot
  25. depend: nginx-http
  26. mounts:
  27. certbot-data: /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt
  28. certbot-webroot: /certbot/webroot
  29. exec.start: |
  30. ( /usr/bin/su -m nobody -c "python3 /certbot/scripts/certbot.py" && \
  31. /bin/sh /etc/rc ) &
  32. nginx-https:
  33. image: nginx-https
  34. depend: certbot
  35. mounts:
  36. certbot-data: /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt