IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET AN ACCOUNT, please write an email to s dot adaszewski at gmail dot com. User accounts are meant only to report issues and/or generate pull requests. This is a purpose-specific Git hosting for ADARED projects. Thank you for your understanding!
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  1. worker_processes 1;
  2. events {
  3. worker_connections 1024;
  4. }
  5. http {
  6. include mime.types;
  7. default_type application/octet-stream;
  8. {% for i in range(cookiecutter.ips|length) %}
  9. server {
  10. listen 443 ssl;
  11. server_name {{ ' '.join(cookiecutter.domains[i]) }};
  12. ssl_certificate /certbot-data/config/live/{{ cookiecutter.domains[i][0] }}/{{ cookiecutter.domains[i][0] }}.crt;
  13. ssl_certificate_key /certbot-data/config/live/{{ cookiecutter.domains[i][0] }}/{{ cookiecutter.domains[i][0] }}.key;
  14. location / {
  15. proxy_pass http://{{ cookiecutter.ips[i] }}/;
  16. }
  17. }
  18. {% endfor %}
  19. }