# # Copyright (C) Stanislaw Adaszewski, 2020 # License: GNU General Public License v3.0 # URL: https://github.com/sadaszewski/focker # URL: https://adared.ch/focker # from .zfs import * import os import yaml from .steps import create_step from .snapshot import new_snapshot from tabulate import tabulate import subprocess from .misc import find_prefix def validate_spec(spec): if 'base' not in spec: raise ValueError('Missing base in specification') if 'steps' not in spec: raise ValueError('Missing steps in specification') def build_squeeze(spec, args): validate_spec(spec) base = spec['base'] base, sha256 = zfs_find(base, focker_type='image', zfs_type='snapshot') root = '/'.join(base.split('/')[:-1]) print('base:', base, 'root:', root) steps = spec['steps'] if not isinstance(steps, list): steps = [ steps ] for st in steps: st = create_step(st) sha256 = st.hash(sha256, args=args) if zfs_exists_snapshot_sha256(sha256): name = zfs_snapshot_by_sha256(sha256) print('Reusing:', name) return (name, sha256) name = find_prefix(root + '/', sha256) def atomic(): for st in steps: st = create_step(st) st.execute(zfs_mountpoint(name), args=args) zfs_set_props(name, { 'focker:sha256': sha256 }) name = new_snapshot(base, atomic, name) return (name, sha256) def build(spec, args): validate_spec(spec) base = spec['base'] base, base_sha256 = zfs_find(base, focker_type='image', zfs_type='snapshot') root = '/'.join(base.split('/')[:-1]) print('base:', base, 'root:', root) steps = spec['steps'] if not isinstance(steps, list): steps = [ steps ] for st in steps: st = create_step(st) st_sha256 = st.hash(base_sha256, args=args) if zfs_exists_snapshot_sha256(st_sha256): base = zfs_snapshot_by_sha256(st_sha256) base_sha256 = st_sha256 print('Reusing:', base) continue for pre in range(7, 64): name = root + '/' + st_sha256[:pre] if not zfs_exists(name): break feed = { 'focker:sha256': st_sha256 } def atomic(): st.execute(zfs_mountpoint(name), args=args) zfs_set_props(name, feed) snap_name = new_snapshot(base, atomic, name) # zfs_set_props(name, feed) # zfs_set_props(snap_name, feed) base = snap_name base_sha256 = st_sha256 return (base, base_sha256) def command_image_build(args): # os.chdir(args.focker_dir) fname = os.path.join(args.focker_dir, 'Fockerfile') print('fname:', fname) if not os.path.exists(fname): raise ValueError('No Fockerfile could be found in the specified directory') with open(fname, 'r') as f: spec = yaml.safe_load(f) print('spec:', spec) image, image_sha256 = build_squeeze(spec, args) \ if args.squeeze else build(spec, args) zfs_untag(args.tags) zfs_tag(image.split('@')[0], args.tags) def command_image_tag(args): zfs_untag(args.tags, focker_type='image') name, _ = zfs_find(args.reference, focker_type='image', zfs_type='filesystem') zfs_tag(name, args.tags) def command_image_untag(args): zfs_untag(args.tags, focker_type='image') def command_image_list(args): lst = zfs_list(fields=['name', 'refer', 'focker:sha256', 'focker:tags', 'origin'], focker_type='image') # zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-o', 'name,refer,focker:sha256,focker:tags,origin', '-H']) lst = list(filter(lambda a: a[2] != '-', lst)) lst = list(map(lambda a: [ a[3], a[1], a[2] if args.full_sha256 else a[2][:7], a[4].split('/')[-1].split('@')[0] ], lst)) print(tabulate(lst, headers=['Tags', 'Size', 'SHA256', 'Base'])) def command_image_prune(args): poolname = zfs_poolname() again = True while again: again = False fields=['focker:sha256', 'focker:tags', 'origin', 'name'] lst = zfs_list(fields=fields, focker_type='image') lst += zfs_list(fields=fields, focker_type='jail') # lst = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-o', 'focker:sha256,focker:tags,origin,name', '-H', '-r', poolname + '/focker/images']) used = set() for r in lst: if r[2] == '-': continue used.add(r[2].split('@')[0]) for r in lst: if r[0] == '-' or r[1] != '-': continue if r[3] not in used: print('Removing:', r[3]) zfs_run(['zfs', 'destroy', '-r', '-f', r[3]]) again = True # zfs_parse_output(['zfs']) def command_image_remove(args): snap, snap_sha256 = zfs_find(args.reference, focker_type='image', zfs_type='snapshot') ds = snap.split('@')[0] command = ['zfs', 'destroy', '-r', '-f'] #if args.remove_children: # command.append('-r') if args.remove_dependents: command.append('-R') command.append(ds) subprocess.run(command) # zfs_run(['zfs', 'destroy', ds])