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23 řádky

  1. base: freebsd-latest
  2. steps:
  3. - run:
  4. - ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes pkg install python3 nginx py37-cookiecutter
  5. - copy:
  6. - [ ../files/cookiecutter.json,
  7. /root/cookiecutter.json ]
  8. - [ files/nginx.conf,
  9. /root/nginx.conf ]
  10. - run:
  11. - mkdir -p /root/nginx_template/\{\{cookiecutter.directory_name\}\}
  12. - mv -v /root/nginx.conf /root/nginx_template/\{\{cookiecutter.directory_name\}\}/nginx.conf
  13. - mv -v /root/cookiecutter.json /root/nginx_template/cookiecutter.json
  14. - run:
  15. - cookiecutter --no-input /root/nginx_template
  16. - mv -v ./nginx_conf/nginx.conf /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  17. - ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes pkg remove python3 py37-cookiecutter
  18. - ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes pkg autoremove
  19. - rm -rvf /root/nginx_template
  20. - rm -rvf ./nginx_conf
  21. - mkdir -p /srv/certbot-webroot