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  1. from setuptools import setup, Extension
  2. from torch.utils import cpp_extension
  3. setup(name='torch_stablesort',
  4. py_modules=['torch_stablesort'],
  5. ext_modules=[ cpp_extension.CUDAExtension( 'torch_stablesort_cpp',
  6. ['torch_stablesort.cpp', 'torch_stablesort_cpu.cpp', 'torch_stablesort_cuda.cu'],
  7. extra_compile_args={
  8. 'cxx': ['-fopenmp', '-ggdb', '-std=c++1z'],
  9. 'nvcc': [ '-I/pstore/home/adaszews/scratch/thrust',
  10. '-ccbin', '/pstore/data/data_science/app/modules/anaconda3-2020.07/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc',
  11. '-std=c++14', '--expt-extended-lambda', '-O99']
  12. } ) ],
  13. cmdclass={'build_ext': cpp_extension.BuildExtension})