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Переглянути джерело

Added WBPickObjectDialog.

Stanislaw Adaszewski 4 роки тому
2 змінених файлів з 136 додано та 11 видалено
  1. +111
  2. +25

+ 111
- 0
frontend/src/js/dialog/wb-pick-object-dialog.js Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import { h, Component, createRef } from 'preact';
import WBDialog from 'wb-dialog';
import WBTable from 'wb-table';
import WBPagination from 'wb-pagination';
import makeArvadosRequest from 'make-arvados-request';
import arvadosObjectName from 'arvados-object-name';
class WBPickObjectDialog extends Component {
constructor(...args) {
this.state.title = 'WBPickObjectDialog';
this.state.rows = [];
this.state.textSearch = null;
this.dialogRef = createRef();
show(title, objectType, accept, filters=[]) {
this.setState({ title, objectType, page: 0, rows: [], accept, filters, textSearch: null });
hide() {
fetchData() {
const { app, itemsPerPage } = this.props;
const { arvHost, arvToken } = app.state;
const { objectType, page, textSearch } = this.state;
let { filters } = this.state;
if (textSearch)
filters = filters.concat([['any', 'ilike', '%' + textSearch + '%']]);
const order = (objectType === 'user') ?
['last_name asc', 'first_name asc'] :
['name asc'];
let prom = makeArvadosRequest(arvHost, arvToken,
'/arvados/v1/' + objectType +
's?offset=' + (page * itemsPerPage) +
'&limit=' + itemsPerPage +
'&filters=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filters)) +
'&order=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(order))
prom = prom.then(xhr => this.setState({
numPages: Math.ceil(xhr.response.items_available / itemsPerPage),
rows: this.prepareRows(xhr.response.items)
return prom;
prepareRows(items) {
const { accept } = this.state;
const { dialogRef } = this;
return items.map(it => [
<a href="#" onclick={ () => { dialogRef.current.hide(); accept(it); } }>
{ arvadosObjectName(it) }
<div>{ it.uuid }</div>
search(textSearch) {
this.setState({ textSearch, page: 0});
render({}, { title, rows, page, numPages, textSearch }) {
return (
<WBDialog title={ title } ref={ this.dialogRef }>
<div class="input-group mb-3">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search"
aria-label="Search" value={ textSearch }
onkeydown={ e => { if (e.keyCode === 13) {
} } }
onchange={ e => this.search(e.target.value) } />
<div class="input-group-append">
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary" type="button" onclick={ e => e.preventDefault() }>Search</button>
<WBTable columns={ [ 'Name' ] } rows={ rows } />
<WBPagination activePage={ page } numPages={ numPages } chunkSize={ 3 }
onPageChanged={ i => { this.setState({ page: i }); this.fetchData(); } } />
<button class="btn btn-secondary"
onclick={ e => { e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); } }>
WBPickObjectDialog.defaultProps = {
itemsPerPage: 20
export default WBPickObjectDialog;

+ 25
- 11
frontend/src/js/page/wb-sharing-page.js Переглянути файл

@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ import WBArvadosCrumbs from 'wb-arvados-crumbs';
import WBNameAndUuid from 'wb-name-and-uuid';
import WBSelect from 'wb-select';
import WBTable from 'wb-table';
import WBBrowseDialog from 'wb-browse-dialog';
import WBPickObjectDialog from 'wb-pick-object-dialog';
import makeArvadosRequest from 'make-arvados-request';
class WBSharingPage extends Component {
constructor(...args) {
this.state.rows = [];
this.browseDialogRef = createRef();
this.dialogRef = createRef();
componentDidMount() {
@@ -44,6 +44,14 @@ class WBSharingPage extends Component {
addEntry(it) {
throw Error('Not implemented');
save() {
throw Error('Not implemented');
render({ app, uuid }, { rows }) {
return (
@@ -51,18 +59,24 @@ class WBSharingPage extends Component {
<WBArvadosCrumbs app={ app } uuid={ uuid } />
<div class="my-2">
This is the sharing management page for { uuid }
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="my-2">
This is the sharing management page for { uuid }
<WBTable columns={ [ 'Name', 'Permission', '' ] }
headerClasses={ [ null, null, 'w-1' ] }
rows={ rows } />
<WBTable columns={ [ 'Name', 'Permission', '' ] }
headerClasses={ [ null, null, 'w-1' ] }
rows={ rows } />
<WBBrowseDialog app={ app } ref={ this.browseDialogRef } />
<WBPickObjectDialog app={ app } ref={ this.dialogRef } />
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick={ () => this.browseDialogRef.current.show() }>Add</button>
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary mr-2"
onclick={ () => this.dialogRef.current.show('Select User', 'user', it => this.addEntry(it)) }>Add User...</button>
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary mr-2"
onclick={ () => this.dialogRef.current.show('Select Group', 'group', it => this.addEntry(it), [['group_class', '=', 'role']]) }>Add Group...</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary mr-2"
onclick={ () => this.save() }>Save</button>
