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Selaa lähdekoodia

Removed filtering by container state.

Stanislaw Adaszewski 4 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 6 lisäystä ja 9 poistoa
  1. +6

+ 6
- 9
frontend/src/js/component/wb-process-listing.js Näytä tiedosto

@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ class WBProcessListing extends Component {
this.state.rows = [];
this.state.numPages = 0;
this.state.requestStates = [ 'Uncommitted', 'Committed', 'Final' ];
this.state.containerStates = [ 'Queued', 'Locked', 'Running', 'Cancelled', 'Complete' ];
// this.state.containerStates = [ 'Queued', 'Locked', 'Running', 'Cancelled', 'Complete' ];
this.state.reqStateMask = [ true, true, true ];
this.state.contStateMask = [ true, true, true, true, true ];
// this.state.contStateMask = [ true, true, true, true, true ];
componentDidMount() {
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ class WBProcessListing extends Component {
<div>{ item['uuid'] }</div>
( <div>
{ item['state'] } /
{ item['state'] }
{ item.container_uuid ?
container ?
container.state :
"Container Not Found" :
<i>{ String(item.container_uuid) }</i> }
[ " / ", container.state ] :
[ " / ", <i>Container Not Found</i> ] :
null }
{ !(error || warning) && container && container.state === 'Complete' ? " / Success" : null }
{ error ? [" / ", <a href={ '/container/' + container.uuid }
title={ error }>E</a> ] : null }
@@ -148,9 +148,6 @@ class WBProcessListing extends Component {
<WBCheckboxes items={ requestStates } checked={ reqStateMask }
cssClass="float-left mx-2 my-2" title="Request State: "
onChange={ () => this.fetchItems() } />
<WBCheckboxes items={ containerStates } checked={ contStateMask }
cssClass="float-left mx-2 my-2" title="Container State: "
onChange={ () => this.fetchItems() } />
<WBTable columns={ [ 'Name', 'Status', 'Owner', 'Created At', 'Output', 'Actions' ] }
rows={ rows } />
