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focker-compose.yml 2.2KB

  1. exec.prebuild:
  2. - focker volume remove --force gateway-cookiecutter
  3. exec.postbuild:
  4. - python3 getmetadata.py
  5. - |
  6. focker jail oneshot -m `pwd`/files:/cookiecutter/input/meta \
  7. `pwd`/nginx-http/files:/cookiecutter/input/nginx-http \
  8. `pwd`/nginx-https/files:/cookiecutter/input/nginx-https \
  9. gateway-cookiecutter:/cookiecutter/output \
  10. -- \
  11. gateway-cookiecutter \
  12. /cookiecutter/scripts/run.sh
  13. volumes:
  14. certbot-data:
  15. chown: 65534:65534
  16. chmod: 0750
  17. zfs:
  18. quota: 1G
  19. certbot-webroot:
  20. chown: 65534:80
  21. chmod: 0750
  22. zfs:
  23. quota: 1G
  24. gateway-cookiecutter:
  25. chmod: 0750
  26. zfs:
  27. quota: 1G
  28. images:
  29. gateway-cookiecutter: ./gateway-cookiecutter
  30. nginx-http: ./nginx-http
  31. nginx-https: ./nginx-https
  32. certbot: ./certbot
  33. jails:
  34. nginx-http:
  35. image: nginx-http
  36. mounts:
  37. certbot-webroot: /certbot/webroot
  38. gateway-cookiecutter: /cookiecutter
  39. ip4.addr:
  40. exec.start: |
  41. cp -v /cookiecutter/nginx-http/nginx.conf \
  42. /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf && \
  43. /bin/sh /etc/rc
  44. certbot:
  45. image: certbot
  46. depend: nginx-http
  47. mounts:
  48. certbot-data: /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt
  49. certbot-webroot: /certbot/webroot
  50. gateway-cookiecutter: /cookiecutter
  51. exec.start: |
  52. cp -v /cookiecutter/meta/cookiecutter.json \
  53. /certbot/data/metadata.json && \
  54. if [ ! -f /certbot/data/.ready ]; then
  55. rm -vf /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/.ready && \
  56. /usr/local/bin/python3 /certbot/scripts/certbot.py && \
  57. touch /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/.ready && \
  58. touch /certbot/data/.ready;
  59. fi && \
  60. /bin/sh /etc/rc
  61. ip4.addr:
  62. nginx-https:
  63. image: nginx-https
  64. depend:
  65. - certbot
  66. - nginx-http
  67. mounts:
  68. certbot-data: /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt
  69. gateway-cookiecutter: /cookiecutter
  70. exec.start: |
  71. cp -v /cookiecutter/nginx-https/nginx.conf \
  72. /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf && \
  73. (( until [ -f /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/.ready ]; do sleep 1; done && \
  74. /bin/sh /etc/rc) &)
  75. ip4.addr: