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Some more shlex

2 ändrade filer med 26 tillägg och 12 borttagningar
  1. +25
  2. +1

+ 25
- 12
jail.py Visa fil

@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import os
import jailconf
from .mount import getmntinfo
import shlex
# import pdb
def jail_fs_create(image):
image, _ = zfs_find(image, focker_type='image', zfs_type='snapshot')
def jail_fs_create(image=None):
sha256 = bytes([ random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(32) ]).hex()
lst = zfs_list(fields=['focker:sha256'], focker_type='image')
lst = list(filter(lambda a: a[0] == sha256, lst))
@@ -22,7 +22,12 @@ def jail_fs_create(image):
name = poolname + '/focker/jails/' + sha256[:pre]
if not zfs_exists(name):
zfs_run(['zfs', 'clone', '-o', 'focker:sha256=' + sha256, image, name])
if image:
image, _ = zfs_find(image, focker_type='image', zfs_type='snapshot')
zfs_run(['zfs', 'clone', '-o', 'focker:sha256=' + sha256, image, name])
print('Creating empty jail:', name)
zfs_run(['zfs', 'create', '-o', 'focker:sha256=' + sha256, name])
return name
@@ -103,14 +108,16 @@ def do_mounts(path, mounts):
name = zfs_mountpoint(name)
while target.startswith('/'):
target = target[1:]
subprocess.check_output(['mount', '-t', 'nullfs', name, os.path.join(path, target)])
subprocess.check_output(['mount', '-t', 'nullfs',
shlex.quote(name), shlex.quote(os.path.join(path, target))])
def undo_mounts(path, mounts):
for (_, target) in reversed(mounts):
while target.startswith('/'):
target = target[1:]
subprocess.check_output(['umount', '-f', os.path.join(path, target)])
subprocess.check_output(['umount', '-f',
shlex.quote(os.path.join(path, target))])
def jail_run(path, command, mounts=[]):
@@ -202,19 +209,25 @@ def command_jail_exec(args):
subprocess.run(['jexec', str(jid)] + args.command)
def command_jail_oneshot(args):
name = jail_fs_create(args.image)
def jail_oneshot(image, command, env, mounts):
# pdb.set_trace()
name = jail_fs_create(image)
path = zfs_mountpoint(name)
env = { a.split(':')[0]: ':'.join(a.split(':')[1:]) \
for a in args.env }
mounts = [ [ a.split(':')[0], a.split(':')[1] ] \
for a in args.mounts]
jailname = jail_create(path,
' '.join(map(shlex.quote, args.command or ['/bin/sh'])),
' '.join(map(shlex.quote, command or ['/bin/sh'])),
env, mounts)
subprocess.run(['jail', '-c', jailname])
def command_jail_oneshot(args):
env = { a.split(':')[0]: ':'.join(a.split(':')[1:]) \
for a in args.env }
mounts = [ [ a.split(':')[0], a.split(':')[1] ] \
for a in args.mounts]
jail_oneshot(args.image, args.command, env, mounts)
# Deprecated
def command_jail_oneshot_old():
base, _ = zfs_snapshot_by_tag_or_sha256(args.image)

+ 1
- 0
steps.py Visa fil

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import json
from .jail import jail_run
import shutil
import os
import shlex
def filehash(fname):
