# # Copyright (C) Stanislaw Adaszewski, 2020 # License: GNU General Public License v3.0 # URL: https://github.com/sadaszewski/focker # URL: https://adared.ch/focker # import os import yaml from .zfs import AmbiguousValueError, \ zfs_find, \ zfs_tag, \ zfs_untag, \ zfs_mountpoint, \ zfs_poolname, \ zfs_set_props from .jail import jail_fs_create, \ jail_create, \ jail_remove, \ backup_file, \ quote from .misc import random_sha256_hexdigest, \ find_prefix import subprocess import jailconf import os from .misc import focker_lock, \ focker_unlock import pdb def exec_hook(spec, path, hook_name='exec.prebuild'): if isinstance(spec, str): spec = [ spec ] if not isinstance(spec, list): raise ValueError('%s should be a string or a list of strings' % hook_name) spec = ' && '.join(spec) print('Running %s command:' % hook_name, spec) spec = [ '/bin/sh', '-c', spec ] oldwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) focker_unlock() res = subprocess.run(spec) focker_lock() if res.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('%s failed' % hook_name) os.chdir(oldwd) def exec_prebuild(spec, path): return exec_hook(spec, path, 'exec.prebuild') def exec_postbuild(spec, path): return exec_hook(spec, path, 'exec.postbuild') def build_volumes(spec): poolname = zfs_poolname() for tag, params in spec.items(): name = None try: name, _ = zfs_find(tag, focker_type='volume') except ValueError: pass if name is None: sha256 = random_sha256_hexdigest() name = find_prefix(poolname + '/focker/volumes/', sha256) subprocess.check_output(['zfs', 'create', '-o', 'focker:sha256=' + sha256, name]) zfs_untag([ tag ], focker_type='volume') zfs_tag(name, [ tag ]) mountpoint = zfs_mountpoint(name) print('params:', params) if 'chown' in params: os.chown(mountpoint, *map(int, params['chown'].split(':'))) if 'chmod' in params: os.chmod(mountpoint, params['chmod']) if 'zfs' in params: zfs_set_props(name, params['zfs']) def build_images(spec, path, args): # print('build_images(): NotImplementedError') for (tag, focker_dir) in spec.items(): cmd = ['focker', 'image', 'build', os.path.join(path, focker_dir), '-t', tag] if args.squeeze: cmd.append('--squeeze') focker_unlock() res = subprocess.run(cmd) focker_lock() if res.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Image build failed: ' + str(res.returncode)) def setup_dependencies(spec, generated_names): if os.path.exists('/etc/jail.conf'): conf = jailconf.load('/etc/jail.conf') else: conf = jailconf.JailConf() for (jailname, jailspec) in spec.items(): if 'depend' not in jailspec: continue depend = jailspec.get('depend', []) if isinstance(depend, str): depend = [ depend ] if not isinstance(depend, list): raise ValueError('depend must be a string or a list of strings') # pdb.set_trace() depend = list(map(lambda a: generated_names[a], depend)) if len(depend) == 1: depend = depend[0] conf[generated_names[jailname]]['depend'] = \ depend conf.write('/etc/jail.conf') def build_jails(spec): backup_file('/etc/jail.conf') generated_names = {} for (jailname, jailspec) in spec.items(): try: name, _ = zfs_find(jailname, focker_type='jail') jail_remove(zfs_mountpoint(name)) except AmbiguousValueError: raise except ValueError: pass name = jail_fs_create(jailspec['image']) zfs_untag([ jailname ], focker_type='jail') zfs_tag(name, [ jailname ]) path = zfs_mountpoint(name) generated_names[jailname] = jail_create(path, jailspec.get('exec.start', '/bin/sh /etc/rc'), jailspec.get('env', {}), [ [from_, on] \ for (from_, on) in jailspec.get('mounts', {}).items() ], hostname=jailname, overrides={ 'exec.stop': jailspec.get('exec.stop', '/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown'), 'ip4.addr': jailspec.get('ip4.addr', ''), 'interface': jailspec.get('interface', 'lo1'), 'host.hostname': jailspec.get('host.hostname', jailname) }) setup_dependencies(spec, generated_names) def command_compose_build(args): if not os.path.exists(args.filename): raise ValueError('File not found: ' + args.filename) path, _ = os.path.split(args.filename) print('path:', path) with open(args.filename, 'r') as f: spec = yaml.safe_load(f) if 'exec.prebuild' in spec: exec_prebuild(spec['exec.prebuild'], path) if 'volumes' in spec: build_volumes(spec['volumes']) if 'images' in spec: build_images(spec['images'], path, args) if 'jails' in spec: build_jails(spec['jails']) if 'exec.postbuild' in spec: exec_postbuild(spec['exec.postbuild'], path) def command_compose_run(args): raise NotImplementedError