base: freebsd-latest steps: - run: - ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes pkg install prosody nginx gettext - run: - sysrc sshd_enable=NO - sysrc sendmail_enable=NONE - sysrc syslogd_flags="-ss" - sysrc clear_tmp_enable=YES - sysrc prosody_enable=YES - sysrc nginx_enable=YES - run: - fetch - tar -zvxf jsxc-4.1.0.tar.gz - copy: - [ files/, /root/ ] - [ files/nginx.conf, /root/nginx.conf ] - [ files/prosody.cfg.lua, /root/prosody.cfg.lua ] - [ files/index.html, /root/index.html ] - run: - source /root/ - if [ "x${PROSODY_DOMAIN}" == "x" ]; then echo PROSODY_DOMAIN must be set; exit 1; fi - if [ "x${PROSODY_JAIL_IP}" == "x" ]; then echo PROSODY_JAIL_IP must be set; exit 1; fi - if [ "x${PROSODY_WEBAPP_VHOST}" == "x" ]; then echo PROSODY_WEBAPP_VHOST must be set; exit 1; fi - cat /root/nginx.conf | envsubst >/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - cat /root/prosody.cfg.lua | envsubst >/usr/local/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua - cat /root/index.html | envsubst >/jsxc/index.html - rm -v /root/nginx.conf /root/prosody.cfg.lua /root/index.html - run: - ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes pkg remove gettext - ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes pkg autoremove