- from .zfs import *
- import os
- import yaml
- from .steps import create_step
- from .snapshot import new_snapshot
- def process_step(step, name):
- cmd=['jail', '-c']
- cmd.append('path=' + '/focker/' + name)
- def process_steps(steps, name):
- if isinstance(steps, list):
- for step in steps:
- process_step(step, name)
- else:
- process_step(steps, name)
- def build(spec, args):
- if 'base' not in spec:
- raise ValueError('Missing base in specification')
- if 'steps' not in spec:
- raise ValueError('Missing steps in specification')
- base = spec['base']
- base, base_sha256 = zfs_snapshot_by_tag_or_sha256(base)
- root = '/'.join(base.split('/')[:-1])
- print('base:', base, 'root:', root)
- steps = spec['steps']
- if not isinstance(steps, list):
- steps = [ steps ]
- for st in steps:
- st = create_step(st)
- st_sha256 = st.hash(base_sha256, args=args)
- if zfs_exists_snapshot_sha256(st_sha256):
- base = zfs_snapshot_by_sha256(st_sha256)
- base_sha256 = st_sha256
- print('Reusing:', base)
- continue
- for pre in range(7, 64):
- name = root + '/' + st_sha256[:pre]
- if not zfs_exists(name):
- break
- snap_name = new_snapshot(base, lambda: st.execute(zfs_mountpoint(name), args=args), name)
- feed = {
- 'focker:sha256': st_sha256
- }
- zfs_set_props(name, feed)
- # zfs_set_props(snap_name, feed)
- base = snap_name
- base_sha256 = st_sha256
- return (base, base_sha256)
- def command_image_build(args):
- # os.chdir(args.focker_dir)
- fname = os.path.join(args.focker_dir, 'Fockerfile')
- print('fname:', fname)
- if not os.path.exists(fname):
- raise ValueError('No Fockerfile could be found in the specified directory')
- with open(fname, 'r') as f:
- spec = yaml.safe_load(f)
- print('spec:', spec)
- image, image_sha256 = build(spec, args)
- zfs_untag(args.tag)
- zfs_tag(image.split('@')[0], args.tag)
- def command_image_untag(args):
- zfs_untag(args.tags)