- import pytest
- from focker.image import validate_spec, \
- build_squeeze, \
- build, \
- command_image_build, \
- command_image_tag, \
- command_image_untag, \
- command_image_list, \
- command_image_prune, \
- command_image_remove
- import subprocess
- from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
- import focker.image
- import os
- from focker.zfs import zfs_find, \
- zfs_mountpoint, \
- zfs_exists_snapshot_sha256, \
- zfs_parse_output, \
- zfs_exists
- from focker.misc import focker_unlock
- import yaml
- def test_validate_spec_01():
- spec = { 'base': 'base', 'steps': 'steps' }
- validate_spec(spec)
- def test_validate_spec_02():
- spec = { 'steps': 'steps' }
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- validate_spec(spec)
- def test_validate_spec_03():
- spec = { 'base': 'base' }
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- validate_spec(spec)
- def test_validate_spec_04():
- spec = {}
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- validate_spec(spec)
- def test_build_squeeze(monkeypatch):
- focker_unlock()
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '--force', '-R', 'test-build-squeeze-base'])
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'bootstrap', '--dry-run', '-t', 'test-build-squeeze-base'])
- spec = dict(base='test-build-squeeze-base', steps=[
- dict(copy=['/etc/localtime', '/etc/localtime']),
- dict(copy=['/etc/hosts', '/etc/hosts'])
- ])
- _, base_sha256 = zfs_find('test-build-squeeze-base', focker_type='image')
- def fail(sha256, *args, **kwargs):
- if sha256 != base_sha256:
- raise RuntimeError('No pre-existing layers expected apart from base')
- monkeypatch.setattr(focker.image, 'zfs_snapshot_by_sha256', fail)
- with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
- args = lambda: 0
- args.focker_dir = d
- name, _ = build_squeeze(spec, args)
- focker_unlock()
- mountpoint = zfs_mountpoint(name.split('@')[0])
- print('name:', name, 'mountpoint:', mountpoint)
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(mountpoint, 'etc/localtime'))
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(mountpoint, 'etc/hosts'))
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '-R', 'test-build-squeeze-base'])
- assert not os.path.exists(mountpoint)
- def test_build(monkeypatch):
- focker_unlock()
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '--force', '-R', 'test-build-squeeze-base'])
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'bootstrap', '--dry-run', '-t', 'test-build-squeeze-base'])
- spec = dict(base='test-build-squeeze-base', steps=[
- dict(copy=['/etc/localtime', '/etc/localtime']),
- dict(copy=['/etc/hosts', '/etc/hosts'])
- ])
- _, base_sha256 = zfs_find('test-build-squeeze-base', focker_type='image')
- counter = 0
- def count_calls(*args, **kwargs):
- nonlocal counter
- counter += 1
- return zfs_exists_snapshot_sha256(*args, **kwargs)
- monkeypatch.setattr(focker.image, 'zfs_exists_snapshot_sha256', count_calls)
- with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
- args = lambda: 0
- args.focker_dir = d
- name, _ = build(spec, args)
- assert counter == 2
- focker_unlock()
- mountpoint = zfs_mountpoint(name.split('@')[0])
- print('name:', name, 'mountpoint:', mountpoint)
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(mountpoint, 'etc/localtime'))
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(mountpoint, 'etc/hosts'))
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '-R', 'test-build-squeeze-base'])
- assert not os.path.exists(mountpoint)
- def test_command_image_build():
- focker_unlock()
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '--force', '-R', 'test-command-image-build-base'])
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'bootstrap', '--dry-run', '-t', 'test-command-image-build-base'])
- with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
- args = lambda: 0
- with open(os.path.join(d, 'Fockerfile'), 'w') as f:
- yaml.dump(dict(base='test-command-image-build-base', steps=[
- dict(copy=['/etc/localtime', '/etc/localtime']),
- dict(copy=['/etc/hosts', '/etc/hosts'])
- ]), f)
- args.focker_dir = d
- args.squeeze = False
- args.tags = [ 'test-command-image-build' ]
- command_image_build(args)
- focker_unlock()
- name, _ = zfs_find('test-command-image-build', focker_type='image')
- mountpoint = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(mountpoint, 'etc/localtime'))
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(mountpoint, 'etc/hosts'))
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '-R', 'test-command-image-build-base'])
- assert not os.path.exists(mountpoint)
- def test_command_image_tag():
- focker_unlock()
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '--force', '-R', 'test-command-image-tag'])
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'bootstrap', '--dry-run', '-t', 'test-command-image-tag'])
- name_1, sha256_1 = zfs_find('test-command-image-tag', focker_type='image')
- args = lambda: 0
- args.reference = sha256_1
- args.tags = ['test-a', 'test-b', 'test-c']
- command_image_tag(args)
- for t in args.tags:
- name_2, sha256_2 = zfs_find(t, focker_type='image')
- assert name_2 == name_1
- assert sha256_2 == sha256_1
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '-R', 'test-command-image-tag'])
- for t in args.tags:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- zfs_find(t, focker_type='image')
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- zfs_find('test-command-image-tag', focker_type='image')
- def test_command_image_untag():
- focker_unlock()
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '--force', '-R', 'test-command-image-untag'])
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'bootstrap', '--dry-run', '-t', 'test-command-image-untag', 'test-command-image-untag-1', 'test-command-image-untag-2'])
- name, sha256 = zfs_find('test-command-image-untag', focker_type='image')
- args = lambda: 0
- args.tags = ['test-command-image-untag-1', 'test-command-image-untag-2']
- command_image_untag(args)
- tags = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'get', '-H', 'focker:tags', name])
- tags = tags[0][2].split(',')
- assert tags == ['test-command-image-untag']
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- zfs_find('test-command-image-untag-1', focker_type='image')
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- zfs_find('test-command-image-untag-2', focker_type='image')
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', 'test-command-image-untag'])
- def test_command_image_list(monkeypatch):
- focker_unlock()
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '--force', '-R', 'test-command-image-list'])
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'bootstrap', '--dry-run', '-t', 'test-command-image-list', 'test-command-image-list-1', 'test-command-image-list-2'])
- name, sha256 = zfs_find('test-command-image-list', focker_type='image')
- args = lambda: 0
- args.tagged_only = True
- args.full_sha256 = True
- lst = None
- headers = None
- def fake_tabulate(*args, **kwargs):
- nonlocal lst
- nonlocal headers
- lst = args[0]
- headers = kwargs['headers']
- monkeypatch.setattr(focker.image, 'tabulate', fake_tabulate)
- command_image_list(args)
- assert lst is not None
- assert headers == ['Tags', 'Size', 'SHA256', 'Base']
- assert len(lst) >= 3
- match = list(filter(lambda a: sorted(a[0].split(' ')) == ['test-command-image-list', 'test-command-image-list-1', 'test-command-image-list-2'], lst))
- assert len(match) == 1
- match = match[0]
- assert match[2] == sha256
- assert match[3] == '-'
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', 'test-command-image-list'])
- def test_command_image_prune():
- focker_unlock()
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '--force', '-R', 'test-command-image-prune'])
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'bootstrap', '--dry-run', '-t', 'test-command-image-prune'])
- name, sha256 = zfs_find('test-command-image-prune', focker_type='image')
- mountpoint = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'untag', 'test-command-image-prune'])
- args = lambda: 0
- command_image_prune(args)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- zfs_find('test-command-image-prune', focker_type='image')
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- zfs_find(sha256, focker_type='image')
- assert not os.path.exists(mountpoint)
- def test_command_image_remove():
- focker_unlock()
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'image', 'remove', '--force', '-R', 'test-command-image-remove'])
- subprocess.check_output(['focker', 'bootstrap', '--dry-run', '-t', 'test-command-image-remove'])
- name, sha256 = zfs_find('test-command-image-remove', focker_type='image')
- mountpoint = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- args = lambda: 0
- args.reference = 'test-command-image-remove'
- args.force = False
- args.remove_dependents = False
- command_image_remove(args)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- zfs_find('test-command-image-remove', focker_type='image')
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- zfs_find(sha256, focker_type='image')
- assert not os.path.exists(mountpoint)
- assert not zfs_exists(name)