- import subprocess
- import csv
- import io
- import os
- def zfs_run(command):
- # print('Running:', command)
- out = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- return out
- def zfs_parse_output(command):
- out = zfs_run(command)
- s = io.StringIO(out.decode('utf-8'))
- r = csv.reader(s, delimiter='\t')
- return [a for a in r]
- def zfs_get_type(name):
- lst = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-o', 'name,type', '-H', name])
- return lst[0][1]
- def zfs_snapshot_by_tag_or_sha256(s):
- lst = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-o', 'focker:sha256,focker:tags,type,name', '-H', '-t', 'snapshot'])
- lst = list(filter(lambda a: (a[0] == s or s in a[1].split(' ')) and a[2] == 'snapshot', lst))
- if len(lst) == 0:
- raise ValueError('Reference not found: ' + s)
- if len(lst) > 1:
- raise ValueError('Ambiguous reference: ' + s)
- return (lst[0][3], lst[0][0])
- def zfs_clone(name, target_name):
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'clone', name, target_name])
- def zfs_exists(name):
- try:
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'list', name])
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- return False
- return True
- def zfs_set_props(name, props):
- for (k, v) in props.items():
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'set', k + '=' + v, name])
- def zfs_mountpoint(name):
- lst = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-o', 'mountpoint', '-H', name])
- return lst[0][0]
- def zfs_exists_snapshot_sha256(sha256):
- lst = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-o', 'focker:sha256', '-t', 'snap'])
- lst = list(filter(lambda a: a[0] == sha256, lst))
- if len(lst) == 0:
- return False
- return True
- def zfs_snapshot_by_sha256(sha256):
- lst = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-o', 'focker:sha256,name', '-t', 'snap', '-H'])
- lst = list(filter(lambda a: a[0] == sha256, lst))
- if len(lst) == 0:
- raise ValueError('Snapshot with given sha256 does not exist: ' + sha256)
- if len(lst) > 1:
- raise ValueError('Ambiguous snapshot sha256: ' + sha256)
- return lst[0][1]
- def zfs_tag(name, tags):
- if len(tags) > 0:
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'set', 'focker:tags=' + ' '.join(tags), name])
- else:
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'inherit', 'focker:tags', name])
- def zfs_untag(tags):
- lst = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-o', 'name,focker:tags', '-H'])
- lst = filter(lambda a: any([b in a[1].split(' ') for b in tags]), lst)
- for row in lst:
- cur_tags = row[1].split(' ')
- for t in tags:
- cur_tags.remove(t)
- zfs_tag(row[0], cur_tags)
- def zfs_init():
- poolname = zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'list', '-H', '/'])
- if len(poolname) == 0:
- raise ValueError('Not a ZFS root')
- poolname = poolname[0][0].split('/')[0]
- print('poolname:', poolname)
- for path in ['/focker', '/focker/images', '/focker/volumes', '/focker/jails']:
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- os.mkdir(path)
- if not zfs_exists(poolname + '/focker'):
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'create', '-o', 'canmount=off', '-o', 'mountpoint=/focker', poolname + '/focker'])
- if not zfs_exists(poolname + '/focker/images'):
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'create', '-o', 'canmount=off', poolname + '/focker/images'])
- if not zfs_exists(poolname + '/focker/volumes'):
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'create', '-o', 'canmount=off', poolname + '/focker/volumes'])
- if not zfs_exists(poolname + '/focker/volumes'):
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'create', '-o', 'canmount=off', poolname + '/focker/jails'])