- #
- # Copyright (C) Stanislaw Adaszewski, 2020
- # License: GNU General Public License v3.0
- # URL: https://github.com/sadaszewski/focker
- # URL: https://adared.ch/focker
- #
- import subprocess
- from .zfs import *
- import random
- import shutil
- import json
- from tabulate import tabulate
- import os
- import jailconf
- from .mount import getmntinfo
- import shlex
- # import pdb
- def jail_fs_create(image=None):
- sha256 = bytes([ random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(32) ]).hex()
- lst = zfs_list(fields=['focker:sha256'], focker_type='image')
- lst = list(filter(lambda a: a[0] == sha256, lst))
- if lst:
- raise ValueError('Whew, a collision...')
- poolname = zfs_poolname()
- for pre in range(7, 32):
- name = poolname + '/focker/jails/' + sha256[:pre]
- if not zfs_exists(name):
- break
- if image:
- image, _ = zfs_find(image, focker_type='image', zfs_type='snapshot')
- zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'clone', '-o', 'focker:sha256=' + sha256, image, name])
- else:
- print('Creating empty jail:', name)
- zfs_parse_output(['zfs', 'create', '-o', 'focker:sha256=' + sha256, name])
- return name
- def gen_env_command(command, env):
- if any(map(lambda a: ' ' in a, env.keys())):
- raise ValueError('Environment variable names cannot contain spaces')
- env = [ 'export ' + k + '=' + shlex.quote(v) \
- for (k, v) in env.items() ]
- command = ' && '.join(env + [ command ])
- return command
- def quote(s):
- s = s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
- s = s.replace('\'', '\\\'')
- s = '\'' + s + '\''
- return s
- def jail_create(path, command, env, mounts, hostname=None, overrides={}):
- name = os.path.split(path)[-1]
- if os.path.exists('/etc/jail.conf'):
- conf = jailconf.load('/etc/jail.conf')
- else:
- conf = jailconf.JailConf()
- conf[name] = blk = jailconf.JailBlock()
- blk['path'] = path
- if command:
- command = gen_env_command(command, env)
- command = quote(command)
- print('command:', command)
- blk['exec.start'] = command
- prestart = [ 'cp /etc/resolv.conf ' +
- shlex.quote(os.path.join(path, 'etc/resolv.conf')) ]
- poststop = []
- if mounts:
- for (from_, on) in mounts:
- if not from_.startswith('/'):
- from_, _ = zfs_find(from_, focker_type='volume')
- from_ = zfs_mountpoint(from_)
- prestart.append('mount -t nullfs ' + shlex.quote(from_) +
- ' ' + shlex.quote(os.path.join(path, on.strip('/'))))
- poststop += [ 'umount -f ' +
- os.path.join(path, on.strip('/')) \
- for (_, on) in reversed(mounts) ]
- if prestart:
- blk['exec.prestart'] = quote(' && '.join(prestart))
- if poststop:
- blk['exec.poststop'] = quote(' && '.join(poststop))
- blk['persist'] = True
- blk['interface'] = 'lo1'
- blk['ip4.addr'] = ''
- blk['mount.devfs'] = True
- blk['exec.clean'] = True
- blk['host.hostname'] = hostname or name
- for (k, v) in overrides.items():
- blk[k] = quote(v)
- conf.write('/etc/jail.conf')
- return name
- def get_jid(path):
- data = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(['jls', '--libxo=json']))
- lst = data['jail-information']['jail']
- lst = list(filter(lambda a: a['path'] == path, lst))
- if len(lst) == 0:
- raise ValueError('JID not found for path: ' + path)
- if len(lst) > 1:
- raise ValueError('Ambiguous JID for path: ' + path)
- return str(lst[0]['jid'])
- def do_mounts(path, mounts):
- print('mounts:', mounts)
- for (source, target) in mounts:
- if source.startswith('/'):
- name = source
- else:
- name, _ = zfs_find(source, focker_type='volume')
- name = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- while target.startswith('/'):
- target = target[1:]
- subprocess.check_output(['mount', '-t', 'nullfs',
- shlex.quote(name), shlex.quote(os.path.join(path, target))])
- def undo_mounts(path, mounts):
- for (_, target) in reversed(mounts):
- while target.startswith('/'):
- target = target[1:]
- subprocess.check_output(['umount', '-f',
- shlex.quote(os.path.join(path, target))])
- def jail_run(path, command, mounts=[]):
- command = ['jail', '-c', 'host.hostname=' + os.path.split(path)[1], 'persist=1', 'mount.devfs=1', 'interface=lo1', 'ip4.addr=', 'path=' + path, 'command', '/bin/sh', '-c', command]
- print('Running:', ' '.join(command))
- try:
- do_mounts(path, mounts)
- shutil.copyfile('/etc/resolv.conf', os.path.join(path, 'etc/resolv.conf'))
- res = subprocess.run(command)
- finally:
- try:
- subprocess.run(['jail', '-r', get_jid(path)])
- except ValueError:
- pass
- subprocess.run(['umount', '-f', os.path.join(path, 'dev')])
- undo_mounts(path, mounts)
- if res.returncode != 0:
- # subprocess.run(['umount', os.path.join(path, 'dev')])
- raise RuntimeError('Command failed')
- def jail_stop(path):
- try:
- jid = get_jid(path)
- jailname = os.path.split(path)[-1]
- subprocess.run(['jail', '-r', jailname])
- except ValueError:
- print('JID could not be determined')
- # import time
- # time.sleep(1)
- mi = getmntinfo()
- for m in mi:
- mntonname = m['f_mntonname'].decode('utf-8')
- if mntonname.startswith(path + os.path.sep):
- print('Unmounting:', mntonname)
- subprocess.run(['umount', '-f', mntonname])
- def jail_remove(path):
- print('Removing jail:', path)
- jail_stop(path)
- subprocess.run(['zfs', 'destroy', '-r', '-f', zfs_name(path)])
- if os.path.exists('/etc/jail.conf'):
- conf = jailconf.load('/etc/jail.conf')
- name = os.path.split(path)[-1]
- if name in conf:
- del conf[name]
- conf.write('/etc/jail.conf')
- def command_jail_create(args):
- name = jail_fs_create(args.image)
- if args.tags:
- zfs_tag(name, args.tags)
- path = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- jail_create(path, args.command,
- { a.split(':')[0]: ':'.join(a.split(':')[1:]) \
- for a in args.env },
- [ [a.split(':')[0], ':'.join(a.split(':')[1:])] \
- for a in args.mounts ],
- args.hostname )
- # print(sha256)
- print(path)
- def command_jail_start(args):
- name, _ = zfs_find(args.reference, focker_type='jail')
- path = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- jailname = os.path.split(path)[-1]
- subprocess.run(['jail', '-c', jailname])
- def command_jail_stop(args):
- name, _ = zfs_find(args.reference, focker_type='jail')
- path = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- jail_stop(path)
- def command_jail_remove(args):
- name, _ = zfs_find(args.reference, focker_type='jail')
- path = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- jail_remove(path)
- def command_jail_exec(args):
- name, _ = zfs_find(args.reference, focker_type='jail')
- path = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- jid = get_jid(path)
- subprocess.run(['jexec', str(jid)] + args.command)
- def jail_oneshot(image, command, env, mounts):
- # pdb.set_trace()
- name = jail_fs_create(image)
- path = zfs_mountpoint(name)
- jailname = jail_create(path,
- ' '.join(map(shlex.quote, command or ['/bin/sh'])),
- env, mounts)
- subprocess.run(['jail', '-c', jailname])
- jail_remove(path)
- def command_jail_oneshot(args):
- env = { a.split(':')[0]: ':'.join(a.split(':')[1:]) \
- for a in args.env }
- mounts = [ [ a.split(':')[0], a.split(':')[1] ] \
- for a in args.mounts]
- jail_oneshot(args.image, args.command, env, mounts)
- # Deprecated
- def command_jail_oneshot_old():
- base, _ = zfs_snapshot_by_tag_or_sha256(args.image)
- # root = '/'.join(base.split('/')[:-1])
- for _ in range(10**6):
- sha256 = bytes([ random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(32) ]).hex()
- name = sha256[:7]
- name = base.split('/')[0] + '/focker/jails/' + name
- if not zfs_exists(name):
- break
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'clone', '-o', 'focker:sha256=' + sha256, base, name])
- try:
- mounts = list(map(lambda a: a.split(':'), args.mounts))
- jail_run(zfs_mountpoint(name), args.command, mounts)
- # subprocess.check_output(['jail', '-c', 'interface=lo1', 'ip4.addr=', 'path=' + zfs_mountpoint(name), 'command', command])
- finally:
- # subprocess.run(['umount', zfs_mountpoint(name) + '/dev'])
- zfs_run(['zfs', 'destroy', '-f', name])
- # raise
- def command_jail_list(args):
- lst = zfs_list(fields=['focker:sha256,focker:tags,mountpoint'], focker_type='jail')
- jails = subprocess.check_output(['jls', '--libxo=json'])
- jails = json.loads(jails)['jail-information']['jail']
- jails = { j['path']: j for j in jails }
- lst = list(map(lambda a: [ a[1],
- a[0] if args.full_sha256 else a[0][:7],
- a[2],
- jails[a[2]]['jid'] if a[2] in jails else '-' ], lst))
- print(tabulate(lst, headers=['Tags', 'SHA256', 'mountpoint', 'JID']))
- def command_jail_tag(args):
- name, _ = zfs_find(args.reference, focker_type='jail')
- zfs_untag(args.tags, focker_type='jail')
- zfs_tag(name, args.tags)
- def command_jail_untag(args):
- zfs_untag(args.tags, focker_type='jail')
- def command_jail_prune(args):
- jails = subprocess.check_output(['jls', '--libxo=json'])
- jails = json.loads(jails)['jail-information']['jail']
- used = set()
- for j in jails:
- used.add(j['path'])
- lst = zfs_list(fields=['focker:sha256,focker:tags,mountpoint,name'], focker_type='jail')
- for j in lst:
- if j[1] == '-' and (j[2] not in used or args.force):
- jail_remove(j[2])