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__init__.py 915B

  1. #
  2. # Copyright (C) Stanislaw Adaszewski, 2020
  3. # License: GPLv3
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # This module implements a single layer of the Decagon
  7. # model. This is going to be already quite complex, as
  8. # we will be using all the graph convolutional building
  9. # blocks.
  10. #
  11. # h_{i}^(k+1) = ϕ(∑_r ∑_{j∈N{r}^{i}} c_{r}^{ij} * \
  12. # W_{r}^(k) h_{j}^{k} + c_{r}^{i} h_{i}^(k))
  13. #
  14. # N{r}^{i} - set of neighbors of node i under relation r
  15. # W_{r}^(k) - relation-type specific weight matrix
  16. # h_{i}^(k) - hidden state of node i in layer k
  17. # h_{i}^(k)∈R^{d(k)} where d(k) is the dimensionality
  18. # of the representation in k-th layer
  19. # ϕ - activation function
  20. # c_{r}^{ij} - normalization constants
  21. # c_{r}^{ij} = 1/sqrt(|N_{r}^{i}| |N_{r}^{j}|)
  22. # c_{r}^{i} - normalization constants
  23. # c_{r}^{i} = 1/|N_{r}^{i}|
  24. #
  25. from .layer import *
  26. from .input import *
  27. from .convolve import *
  28. from .decode import *