- from typing import List, \
- Union, \
- Callable
- from .data import Data, \
- RelationFamily
- from .trainprep import PreparedData, \
- PreparedRelationFamily
- import torch
- from .weights import init_glorot
- from .normalize import _sparse_coo_tensor
- import types
- def _sparse_diag_cat(matrices: List[torch.Tensor]):
- if len(matrices) == 0:
- raise ValueError('The list of matrices must be non-empty')
- if not all(m.is_sparse for m in matrices):
- raise ValueError('All matrices must be sparse')
- if not all(len(m.shape) == 2 for m in matrices):
- raise ValueError('All matrices must be 2D')
- indices = []
- values = []
- row_offset = 0
- col_offset = 0
- for m in matrices:
- ind = m._indices().clone()
- ind[0] += row_offset
- ind[1] += col_offset
- indices.append(ind)
- values.append(m._values())
- row_offset += m.shape[0]
- col_offset += m.shape[1]
- indices = torch.cat(indices, dim=1)
- values = torch.cat(values)
- return _sparse_coo_tensor(indices, values, size=(row_offset, col_offset))
- def _cat(matrices: List[torch.Tensor]):
- if len(matrices) == 0:
- raise ValueError('Empty list passed to _cat()')
- n = sum(a.is_sparse for a in matrices)
- if n != 0 and n != len(matrices):
- raise ValueError('All matrices must have the same layout (dense or sparse)')
- if not all(a.shape[1:] == matrices[0].shape[1:] for a in matrices):
- raise ValueError('All matrices must have the same dimensions apart from dimension 0')
- if not matrices[0].is_sparse:
- return torch.cat(matrices)
- total_rows = sum(a.shape[0] for a in matrices)
- indices = []
- values = []
- row_offset = 0
- for a in matrices:
- ind = a._indices().clone()
- val = a._values()
- ind[0] += row_offset
- ind = ind.transpose(0, 1)
- indices.append(ind)
- values.append(val)
- row_offset += a.shape[0]
- indices = torch.cat(indices).transpose(0, 1)
- values = torch.cat(values)
- res = _sparse_coo_tensor(indices, values, size=(row_offset, matrices[0].shape[1]))
- return res
- class FastGraphConv(torch.nn.Module):
- def __init__(self,
- in_channels: int,
- out_channels: int,
- adjacency_matrices: List[torch.Tensor],
- keep_prob: float = 1.,
- activation: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = lambda x: x,
- **kwargs) -> None:
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- in_channels = int(in_channels)
- out_channels = int(out_channels)
- if not isinstance(adjacency_matrices, list):
- raise TypeError('adjacency_matrices must be a list')
- if len(adjacency_matrices) == 0:
- raise ValueError('adjacency_matrices must not be empty')
- if not all(isinstance(m, torch.Tensor) for m in adjacency_matrices):
- raise TypeError('adjacency_matrices elements must be of class torch.Tensor')
- if not all(m.is_sparse for m in adjacency_matrices):
- raise ValueError('adjacency_matrices elements must be sparse')
- keep_prob = float(keep_prob)
- if not isinstance(activation, types.FunctionType):
- raise TypeError('activation must be a function')
- self.in_channels = in_channels
- self.out_channels = out_channels
- self.adjacency_matrices = adjacency_matrices
- self.keep_prob = keep_prob
- self.activation = activation
- self.num_row_nodes = len(adjacency_matrices[0])
- self.num_relation_types = len(adjacency_matrices)
- self.adjacency_matrices = _sparse_diag_cat(adjacency_matrices)
- self.weights = torch.cat([
- init_glorot(in_channels, out_channels) \
- for _ in range(self.num_relation_types)
- ], dim=1)
- def forward(self, x) -> torch.Tensor:
- if self.keep_prob < 1.:
- x = dropout(x, self.keep_prob)
- res = torch.sparse.mm(x, self.weights) \
- if x.is_sparse \
- else torch.mm(x, self.weights)
- res = torch.split(res, res.shape[1] // self.num_relation_types, dim=1)
- res = torch.cat(res)
- res = torch.sparse.mm(self.adjacency_matrices, res) \
- if self.adjacency_matrices.is_sparse \
- else torch.mm(self.adjacency_matrices, res)
- res = res.view(self.num_relation_types, self.num_row_nodes, self.out_channels)
- if self.activation is not None:
- res = self.activation(res)
- return res
- class FastConvLayer(torch.nn.Module):
- def __init__(self,
- input_dim: List[int],
- output_dim: List[int],
- data: Union[Data, PreparedData],
- keep_prob: float = 1.,
- rel_activation: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = lambda x: x,
- layer_activation: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = torch.nn.functional.relu,
- **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- self._check_params(input_dim, output_dim, data, keep_prob,
- rel_activation, layer_activation)
- self.input_dim = input_dim
- self.output_dim = output_dim
- self.data = data
- self.keep_prob = keep_prob
- self.rel_activation = rel_activation
- self.layer_activation = layer_activation
- self.is_sparse = False
- self.next_layer_repr = None
- self.build()
- def build(self):
- self.next_layer_repr = torch.nn.ModuleList([
- torch.nn.ModuleList() \
- for _ in range(len(self.data.node_types))
- ])
- for fam in self.data.relation_families:
- self.build_family(fam)
- def build_family(self, fam) -> None:
- if fam.node_type_row == fam.node_type_column:
- self.build_fam_one_node_type(fam)
- else:
- self.build_fam_two_node_types(fam)
- def build_fam_one_node_type(self, fam) -> None:
- adjacency_matrices = [
- r.adjacency_matrix \
- for r in fam.relation_types
- ]
- conv = FastGraphConv(self.input_dim[fam.node_type_column],
- self.output_dim[fam.node_type_row],
- adjacency_matrices,
- self.keep_prob,
- self.rel_activation)
- conv.input_node_type = fam.node_type_column
- self.next_layer_repr[fam.node_type_row].append(conv)
- def build_fam_two_node_types(self, fam) -> None:
- adjacency_matrices = [
- r.adjacency_matrix \
- for r in fam.relation_types \
- if r.adjacency_matrix is not None
- ]
- adjacency_matrices_backward = [
- r.adjacency_matrix_backward \
- for r in fam.relation_types \
- if r.adjacency_matrix_backward is not None
- ]
- conv = FastGraphConv(self.input_dim[fam.node_type_column],
- self.output_dim[fam.node_type_row],
- adjacency_matrices,
- self.keep_prob,
- self.rel_activation)
- conv_backward = FastGraphConv(self.input_dim[fam.node_type_row],
- self.output_dim[fam.node_type_column],
- adjacency_matrices_backward,
- self.keep_prob,
- self.rel_activation)
- conv.input_node_type = fam.node_type_column
- conv_backward.input_node_type = fam.node_type_row
- self.next_layer_repr[fam.node_type_row].append(conv)
- self.next_layer_repr[fam.node_type_column].append(conv_backward)
- def forward(self, prev_layer_repr):
- next_layer_repr = [ [] \
- for _ in range(len(self.data.node_types)) ]
- for output_node_type in range(len(self.data.node_types)):
- for conv in self.next_layer_repr[output_node_type]:
- rep = conv(prev_layer_repr[conv.input_node_type])
- rep = torch.sum(rep, dim=0)
- rep = torch.nn.functional.normalize(rep, p=2, dim=1)
- next_layer_repr[output_node_type].append(rep)
- if len(next_layer_repr[output_node_type]) == 0:
- next_layer_repr[output_node_type] = \
- torch.zeros(self.data.node_types[output_node_type].count, self.output_dim[output_node_type])
- else:
- next_layer_repr[output_node_type] = \
- sum(next_layer_repr[output_node_type])
- next_layer_repr[output_node_type] = \
- self.layer_activation(next_layer_repr[output_node_type])
- return next_layer_repr
- @staticmethod
- def _check_params(input_dim, output_dim, data, keep_prob,
- rel_activation, layer_activation):
- if not isinstance(input_dim, list):
- raise ValueError('input_dim must be a list')
- if not output_dim:
- raise ValueError('output_dim must be specified')
- if not isinstance(output_dim, list):
- output_dim = [output_dim] * len(data.node_types)
- if not isinstance(data, Data) and not isinstance(data, PreparedData):
- raise ValueError('data must be of type Data or PreparedData')